Hello again everyone.
Welcome to the new Precision Sports Games website and webstore.
Following the abrupt end to our previous partnership, I did wonder whether there was a point in carrying on producing Precision Sports Games content for sale, let alone having our own website.
However, I decided to give it a shot anyway, so here it is, and let's see how it goes.
Please bear with me - I'm new to all of this running everything myself, so I suspect I'll add new stuff and features over time when I have the time and skills to do so. But the website and webstore (provided by Wix) are working absolutely fine. Our payment services are provided by Wix Payments, with third-party payments provided through PayPal.
As many of you likely already know, I am based in the UK, so the prices on our webstore have now been changed over to GBP (Pounds). By adding PayPal, it allows those of you who are unable to do currency conversion with a checking account, an option to still buy via the webstore.
Our prices have been calculated by using the currency rate on September 1, 2022 and modified by the rate of inflation of ~+10%. This is our first price change since I set-up the current sales structure back in 2018. I can guarantee you today, that whatever happens this new pricing structure will stay unaltered with no price increases through the end of 2023.
So our previous pricing structure was $3, $5 or $7. After converting by the method above, and rounding the lowest and highest prices to the nearest 50p (.50), this becomes the new structure of £3, £4.75 and £6.50 (yes, I know the middle one isn't rounded to the nearest 50p, but I wanted to keep it equidistant of the lowest and highest ones, as previously).
All of our updates will be posted both here on our own forum, as well as on our Twitter account @PreSpoGamesTTG. The forum rules are as you'd expect them to be, and you can read them in our Terms & Conditions section. After our previous message board, I don't expect any issues, or a large influx of traffic requiring any mods, but if it does, then I will ask for interest.
If anyone wants to run a Delphi forum for Precision Sports Games, you have my consent, so feel free to go ahead and do so, but I will not moderate one of them. If one is created, I will also post updates there, but otherwise our updates on Delphi forums from now on will be restricted to the main Table Top Sports forum.
All of the new sets will be uploaded to the webstore as and when they are completed (and I'm confident enough that everything is fine and won't need to be updated), so you may find on occasion there is something available that hasn't been 'officially' announced in our monthly updates. You will find all of our new products tagged with the New banner to the product's image. I believe I have all the sets I've ever produced on the webstore, but I will go back and check to make sure I haven't missed any.
Hopefully that is everything that I needed to say, but if not I'll add to it as I usually end up having to do.
So thanks for making your way over, and I hope you continue to enjoy both our current and new content.
All the best,